Medical Missions in Nepal
Dr. Jim Reynolds, who has accompanied us on many medical trips to Nepal, wrote a fantastic article on his experiences there in the incredible country of Nepal. A medical magazine/Journal called “In the Spotlight”, published by the American College of Gastroenterology, highlighted his story. We hope you enjoy it! Click Here to Read the Article Blessings Steve and Team More Images from Mugu Nepal 2016
Nepal Christian Fellowship Radio
Dear Friends, We can’t begin to tell you how totally excited we all are to begin broadcasting Gospel Radio in Nepal. On September 1st, PUMA will air our first Gospel message in Nepali. Our first objective is to use radio towers in the district of Lamjung in Nepal. There are approximately 185,000 people in Lamjung, all are within range of the main tower and repeater towers. I am hoping that we have even 1 percent of the Lamjung population listening as we start. That’s 1,800 listeners (most of these people are Hindus) to the Gospel story, every day, 7 days a week. [...]
New Church Sites in Nepal!
It has been an exciting first half of this year, 2016! The team in Nepal continues to grow and so does the ministry. This picture just came in to me from Padam in Nepal. We have constructed three new churches since February, we are hoping to do two more this year, if possible. Here’s a short report from Padam: This is new church in Tarachowk in lamjung. We have been ministering in these areas for last 5 Luddi and Tarachowk areas. A brother Dil Bahadur is our pastor in Taracowk. He has been with us since last 5 years. [...]
New Students, New Pastors!
In March of this year, We reopened our training center in Kathmandu Nepal. Pictured above are the men we currently have studying with us at the center. They will be at the center 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for three months. They are taught and study the Word 9 to 10 hours a day, with Saturdays off (Church day!) This will go on for a full three months until we send them back up into the Lamjung and Gorkha Districts (about 125-140 miles North West) where they will go with one of our pastors up there to have [...]