The team has made it to the town of “Koto” in the Manang District but could not go any further because of the weather. Freezing rain hail and snow at 10,000 feet. The locals and our driver cautioned us about staying overnight because we might not be able to get back out in the morning.

We had a very productive time in Koto. The new landlord leased us a four room flat for a church and also living quarters for the new pastor and his wife. They will move up here in three weeks. Please remember to pray for this new opportunity that we now have in Koto. We hope that the church will be very busy there.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We’re very very grateful and all of the pastors. It’s good to hear your feedback. We will have another update hopefully tomorrow weather permitting.
God bless you thank you Steve, Padam, Nate, and all the Pastors

Above: An aerial fly over of our position. As you can see this area in Manang is buried deep in the Himalayan Mountain range and is very rural